Seppo Sinisaari - Sinisaari Consulting Oy     KTM (HKKK)                 

►käytännönläheistä IT-alan koulutusta, konsultointia ja sovelluskehitystä
►6 vuoden kokemus sisäisen laskennan asiantuntijatehtävistä
►yli 30 vuoden kokemus IT-alalta
►kurssit myös englanniksi tai ruotsiksi
►toimeksiantajia pienistä yhdistyksistä maan suurimpiin pörssiyhtiöihin
►parhaat osaamisalueeni:

aikaisemmat  työpaikkani:


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About me


- I have studied economics and business in Helsinki School of Economics and graduated as a M.Sc., Economics in 1982

- in 1985-1986 I studied further in the areas of systems and computer science.

- in the fall of 1999 I attended a course in Helsinki University of Technology (The operational instruments of a consultant)

- in the spring 2001 I passed the Microsoft MCSD-certification.

- in June 2001 I attended a course of Data Administration at the Helsinki University of Technology

- I am interested in languages, I speak quite fluently Swedish and English, some German and French and a little Russian and Hebrew as well.

- since 1987 I have had my own company (Sinisaari Consulting Oy), PC software training and consulting

- my former employers were:

- I have over 30 years experience with PC:s, especially financial systems